I offer the following email, web and print services to help you promote your services:
Website Content and Design:
Every business needs a website…but too many focus on design while studies demonstrate that content (i.e. words) are the most important factor in attracting and holding clients. I can help you either create a completely new website or revise your existing existing website to improve readability, flow and search results.
Published weekly, bi-weekly or monthly via email. E-newsletters provide a mostly non-“salesy” way to connect with clients, provide useful information and position yourself and your company as a “friendly expert” provider.
Marketing Emails:
Promotional or sales-related emails sent on an ad-hoc basis to current and prospective clients. These can be effective tools for reaching your target audience if constructed correctly.
Sales Letters:
Despite all of the attention paid to email and the Internet, direct-mail marketing letters or postcards remain among the most effective methods to promote your business and reach out to potential clients if written properly.
Case Studies:
“Success stories” where your clients used your products, services and expertise to solve a real problem in their life or business. Can be used as content in emails, e-newsletters, websites and sales letters. Usually 800-1200 words (1-2 pages) in length.
White Papers:
These are longer, more detailed papers (5-10 pages) discussing specific timely issues of importance to your business and your clients. Can be used as website content or as a “free” promotional item to attract potential clients and build your contact list. Another way to position yourself or your company as an industry leader.
For more information or to request a price estimate for your project please Click Here.